Monday, September 23, 2019

Advantages of .Net Core

  1. .NET Core is the new open-source and cross-platform framework to build applications for all operating systems including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  2. With ASP.NET Core, Build web apps and services, IoT apps, and mobile backends. 
  3. .NET Core framework is a combination of MVC and Web API in a single web framework.
  4. Fast - It is a lightweight, high-performance web framework.
  5. Hosting - It has the ability to host on IIS, Apache, Docker or Self Hosting.
  6. .NET Core support modern, a Client-side framework like AngularJs, ReactJs and React with Redux etc.

Disadvantage of MVC (Model View Controller)

  1. Cannot see design page preview like .aspx page. Every time want to execute then see the View (design)
  2. Understanding flow of application is very hard one. It is little bit of complex to implement and not suitable for small level applications.
  3. Need multiple programmers
  4. Developer should have knowledge of client side and html code
  5. Increase the system architecture and implementation complexity. For a simple interface, strictly abide by the MVC, to make the model, view and controller separationwill increase the complexity of the structure, and may produce too much of the update operation, reduce the operation efficiency.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Send File attachment from Database SQL Query

DECLARE @Column1Name VARCHAR(255)


SET @Column1Name = '[sep=,' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'Column1]'

SET @Query = 'SELECT Column1 AS ' + @Column1Name + ', Column2, Column3 FROM myTable'

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail 

@profile_name=XXX //this should be created already in SQL

@recipients = ‘’,

@subject= ‘SQL Mail’,

@body= ‘This is the mail generated from SQL,



,@query_attachment_filename='Results.csv' // you can set .xlsx or txt as well

,@query_result_separator=',' --enforce csv

,@query_result_no_padding=1 --trim

,@query_result_width=32767  --avoid wordwrap

Note : when you execute this Query, MAIL QUEUED message will be display and wait for
           2 mins to receive the mail

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Which programming language should i learn to get job easily

Alway learn basic C, C++ and JAVA then you will get familiar in the below languages

1. C#

2. Python

3. Javscript ,Angular.Js

4. Ruby

5. Swift

6. SQL

7. IOS

8. PHP

Monday, June 16, 2014

how to use PIVOT table in sql server

Note : Using this row data will be act as column as well as column will be fit as row value, for more details refer below example

Table Structure with data

;with cts  -- Used CTE
select customer,Bhoonja,Biscuits,DahiVada
from (select customer,product,qty from items) up
(sum (qty) for product in(Bhoonja,Biscuits,DahiVada))as pvt
select cts.customer,isnull(cts.Bhoonja,0) as Bhoonja,
ISNULL(cts.DahiVada,0) as DahiVada,isnull(cts.Biscuits,0) as Biscuits,
isnull(cts.Bhoonja,0) + ISNULL(cts.DahiVada,0) + isnull(cts.Biscuits,0) as Total 
from cts order by cts.customer

After CTE execute (with Pivot Table)

Why dropdownlist binds limited data when we using JSON (from database)

Most of the time JSON max length exceeds (data) limit to occur this problem , try below coding in web.config to avoid these issues. Just increase the JSON length.

In the <configuration> section, add

        <jsonSerialization maxJsonLength="500000"></jsonSerialization>